9-13-11 Weekly Guitar Challenge

Dan Mumm’s Weekly Guitar Challenge Podcast
[powerpress url=”https://www.danmumm.com/WGC/9-13-11.mp3″]

9-13-11 Weekly Guitar Challenge Podcast: Liquid Pentatonic Tapping Lick

This weeks challenge is an extremely fast legato tapping lick using the E-minor pentatonic scale in 12th position.
This pattern is reminiscent of Eddie Van Halen’s tapping runs found in songs like “Hot For Teacher”. The fretting
hand basically runs straight down the E-minor pentatonic scale, while the picking hand taps the 19th fret of each string,
once at the very beginning and then again in between every two notes of the pentatonic scale. The key to this
pattern is the speed and fluidity. In order to achieve this, you must start out by playing extremely slowly. Practice
with a metronome, and gradually increase the speed as you perfect the pattern at each tempo setting. Don’t rush through
it, or else your end result will come out sloppy, and this style of pattern sounds terrible if it’s not played cleanly
and fluidly. You can also break up the pattern into 2 or 3 individual sections and practice each of those sections
with the metronome, gradually increasing the speed. Once you’ve perfected those sections, put it all together and
work on the full pattern in the same method. Although this practice method seems tedious at first, keep this in mind:
most guitarists don’t take the time to practice properly and effectively, so most guitarists have sloppy technique.
Ask yourself whether you want to be part of the large majority, or the happy and successful few.

You can download all of the files by clicking the link below. You will receive the audio file
from the podcast, a Guitar Pro 5 file (.gp5) of the tab, and an identical PDF file of the same tab. To view the TABS now,
click the picture of the TAB below. To view while listening to the podcast, be sure to right click and open in a new tab or

Download 9-13-11 Weekly Guitar Challenge – Podcast MP3 and Tabs

If you have enjoyed my Weekly Challenges so far, be sure to check out my full length instructional DVD’s Fret Touch Mechanics and
Sweep Pick Mechanics at MetalMethod.com